
    Strong Through Every Season

    If you're pregnant or postpartum, you've heard this outdated advice. The fitness world has an endless list of "don'ts" for expecting and new moms. But the latest science tells us strength training isn't just safe during pregnancy and postpartum—it's beneficial.
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      How And When To Level Up

      At Street Parking, we're not about “selling” the workouts. We're “selling” the habit of showing up, day after day. We believe building and maintaining the habit of consistency with fitness and nutrition is mastering the basics, it’s a win. It is the essence of simple, NOT easy.
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        Why You Need To Keep It Simple, Not Easy — Part 2

        Simple without a healthy dose of self-awareness can often turn into coasting toward comfort, yet getting frustrated that you’re not getting the “results” you’ve been seeking. That's where the second principle of “keep it simple, but not easy” comes in. 

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          Why You Need To Keep It Simple, Not Easy — Part 1

          With fitness and nutrition, the difference between simple and easy gets confused often. Like the mistaken belief that in order to get “real” results — and sustain them — the plan you implement or the program you follow will only work if it’s complex (complicated), time-consuming, and/or expensive.
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            Getting Started with a Fitness and Health Routine For: Pre-K

            The Preschool Youth age is when kids start to learn how to take turns… but they generally want to be first and focus mostly on themselves and their little world. As they move through these preschool years, they become more willing and excited to try new tasks, are more motivated by playing with their peers, and begin to notice the world around them
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              3 TEAM Workouts to Challenge You and Your Partner This Summer

              Here at Street Parking we have a wide variety of workouts so you can find what will work best for you and ultimately have fun by CHOOSING what you want to do. Some workouts are simple, some more complex; some are long grinders, and some are shorter; some involve different equipment than you might not typically use (but you can always CUSTOMIZE), and some require more communication and synchro work.
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                Nutrition Basics In The Summer Months

                Summer is filled with fun, sun, travel, and many social functions. It's a time of year when it's hard to maintain consistency with your nutrition habits because of a lack of routine and more socializing opportunities.But you don't need to have to be an all-or-nothing approach to your nutrition in the summer months. We have some tips for you to help you master the basics with your nutrition and maintain success through the summer months.

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                  Summertime Consistency Tools Great for Coaches, Trainers, and Gym Owners

                  Are you looking for effective, creative, and simple tools to utilize with your gym members or clients? This summer we have a few specific resources (which we think are pretty great) for our members to stay engaged with the community – and excited about their fitness –  that could help YOU keep your members/clients moving and building community through the summer months!

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                    How To Host A Ruck Meetup

                    Within the Street Parking community members get together regularly by hosting meetups! Meetups are an essential part of the Street Parking community — they help build connections and hold us accountable to our fitness goals, and there's nothing like those positive vibes we get from doing fitness with like-minded individuals. Meetups are purely member-driven and generally involve doing any Street Parking Daily Workout, Team Workouts, or even a ruck!
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                      Getting Started With A Fitness and Health Routine For: Kids

                      This age group is a group that generally has already been exposed to some type of fitness, whether they have participated themselves, learned about it, or watched others during their preschool discovery and exploration years. This stage is considered the building and developmental years.
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                        How Rucking Could Change Your Fitness

                        Rucking has become more and more popular in the fitness community over the past decade or so — nothing is quite as functional as carrying a load while you travel. You may be wondering just how "rucking" will improve your fitness, what are the benefits, and why you would want to get started.

                        In the Street Parking community, we have a handful of members who ruck regularly and love it, which is why we collaborated with our friends at GORUCK to create an entire Extra Program specifically for rucking.

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